Um Diagnóstico sobre a Cultura da Leitura em Cuiabá


  • wallison ulisses silva dos santos invest
  • Clarissa Bottega Faculdade Invest de Ciências e Tecnologia


Leitura. Educação. Cuiabá.


This research aims to how cuiabanos reading occurs and which variables affect the quality and quantity of this activity in this society. The focus was reading books, but also considered whether to read print magazines, print newspapers and news sites. The encouragement and promotion of reading seem to be part of the concern of almost all countries, but few still have a successful outcome. In this context, Brazil has a bad performance, our indicators reading show that both the quantity and the population reading quality are degrading. Encouraging reading since childhood, the creation of public libraries, encouraging reading as a pleasure and not as an obligation are some of the ways pointed out to change the Brazilian context under Education. Through these facts, this research aimed to identify, through a sample survey, which is the reading level of Cuiabá and what socioeconomic variables and behavior affect positive or negatively this important activity to society.

